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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Meet the Teacher Night

Mr. Darren MacArthur-Second Grade Teacher

Contact Information:                                  Best contact times at school:
Central Elementary (217) 593-7795            (M-F) 7:30-8:00 A.M. & 3:15-4:15  
School e-mail:  macarthurd@cusd3.com
Classroom Blog Page: http://dpmacarthur.blogspot.com
District website:  www.cusd3.com         

 Absence- Please notify the school before 9:00 giving the reason for your child’s absence.  If you’d like homework sent home, please let the office know. I can send it with another student at CES or it can be picked up in the office.

 Dismissal- If dismissal plans are different, please send a note or contact the office before 1:00.

2:40- Golden, High School, and Clayton rural route bus riders
2:50- Walkers/Students being picked up (West side of CES)
2:55- Clayton Shuttle
3:05- Coatsburg, Paloma, Columbus, Camp Point South, and Camp Point rural route bus riders

 Medication- If your child will need to take any medication at school; an Administration of Medication form must be filled out and signed by a doctor.  Forms are available in the office. 
          To Be Your Best:
o   Be Safe
o   Be Responsible
o   Be Respectful
o   Be Patient
o   Be Powerful

Discipline- My management plan has positive student reinforcements for positive behavior and consequences for negative behavior. I use a “flip card” system to help student monitor their own behavior. All cards start the day with “Star Student”. When a negative behavior occurs, a card is flipped. Those students not flipping cards each day receive a ticket. Tickets are traded for items in our classroom store that encourage academic learning and fun.  (Bonus reading time, books, free write journals, plastic figures, mini-erasers, pencils, stickers, eat lunch in the room, shoes off in the room etc.)  Donations are always welcome. J 

o   1st flip-  Warnin
o   2nd flip- Lose 5 minutes of recess
o   3rd flip- Lose 10 minutes of recess
o   4th flip- Lose 15 minutes of recess and index card goes home for parent’s signature

 Other rewards- tickets given to groups/students caught doing good, whole class rewards (special activities through compliments and behavior)

Grading Scale-
E= Excellent work for grade level
S= Satisfactory work for grade level
P= Progressing but working below grade level
     N= Needs improvement/Unsatisfactory

Snacks- The students will have snacks with morning milk each day.  When the cereal supply gets low, I will inform you through my newsletter to please send in another box or bag. 
If a students snack drink account falls to far behind a letter will be sent home and students will be provided water at snack time. 
Other, dry packaged snacks are welcome (Crackers cookies, dried fruit, cereal bars, etc.).

Birthdays- We will celebrate all birthdays at school.  If your child’s birthday occurs during the weekend or while we’re not in school, we will celebrate it either the day before the weekend or on the day we come back.  For those with summer birthdays, we will celebrate on their ½ birthdays.  Your child may bring in special birthday treats, either homemade or store bought.

T-Shirts- We will be decorating the white T-Shirts throughout the school year.  In November, we will make one t-shirt into a Native American garment.  During our unit on space in the spring, we’ll decorate a shirt involving constellations.  The third shirt has been used for our end of the year field trip and as a memory shirt for 2nd grade including a collection of signatures from classmates.

Star Student-Our class has a star student/leader/helper each day.  I start at the beginning of the alphabet and continue in that order each day.  On the day that your student is the leader, he/she may bring an item from home to show the class.
 Weekly Newsletters- My classroom newsletters will come home on the last day of the week.  They will inform you about what is going on in the subject areas and other events that are happening in our classroom and at the school.
Homework- In second grade, your child will have nightly reading assignments.  This will involve a small guided reading book or a story from our classroom anthology.  These reading assignments may be read independently, together with a parent, or by a parent.  We will have weekly spelling tests so studying the word list at home is necessary.  There will be no homework on weekends unless if reading homework is not done during the week.

 Take Home Folders- Every night, your child will bring home their take home folder.  Please look through the content daily and return it to school the next day with any necessary papers.  The students depend on their folders to keep important notes, lunch money, and papers.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

School Supplies

Second Grade Supply List 

     Book Bag with 2 straps (no duffel bags or rolling backpacks)
 12 Regular Pencils
 Erasers-2 Rectangle
 2 PKG Crayons (24 Count)
 School Box (No more that 3 inches tall)
 2 Spiral Notebooks (wide ruled)
 Kleenex (Large Box)
 3 Glue (4 oz Elmers)
 6 Glue Sticks
 2-4 Expo Brand Dry Erase Markers
 Old Sock for Dry Erase Board
 Box of Zip lock Bags (Gallon or Quart)
 2 Heavy Plastic Folders with Pockets
 1 Large Box of Cereal for Snack
 3 White Adult Small T-Shirts
 1 Set of Washable Markers (Expo)
 1 Ream White Copy Paper (Optional) 

Important dates:

Registration: August 8 from 9:00 AM – 3:00PM
                      August 9 from 3:00 – 8:00 PM

First Day of School: August 22 until 10:45 AM

Grades 1-2 Meet the Teacher Night:
 Tuesday, August 16- 6:00 & 6:30 PM

Photo Day: September 27

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Writing Process

One of the first activities our class will  do when we return to school in the fall is write. I enjoy watching student's develop their reading and writing skills throughout the year. This year I hope to help my students develop stronger skills by learning how GOOD writers use a process. We will discuss strategies for preparing to write like :Thinking Quietly, Drawing Pictures, or Talking with a friend about  idea/s.

Our class will also discuss and practice FIVE STEPS in the writing process.
  1. Prewriting- Chose a topic and gather detail.
  2. Writing- Identify your topic and add detail.
  3. Revising- Make changes to your work to make it better.
  4. Editing- Check your work (Capitalization, punctuation).
  5. Publishing- Share your work!
Realizing writing is a weaknesses of mine, I know first-hand how important it is to teach.
More on writing skills and activities later.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

First day of school.

I just received my calendar for next school year and I'm looking forward to seeing the kids again.